This super easy ancient grain salad is a powerhouse of nutrition packed with mouth watering summer flavors in every bite. It combines the nutty flavor of ancient grains, the sweetness of strawberries, the herby freshness of basil and the tang of goat cheese. 

This fresh and delicious salad is full of antioxidents, fiber and nutrients like B and E vitamins to make it as much a treat for your body as it is for your taste buds. Studies have shown that eating whole grains every day can reduce your risk of death by heart disease or cancer by over 20%. The strawberries in the salad provide additional antioxidents and vitamin C and despite their sweetness are low in sugar, while the basil is a great source of vitamin K which keeps bones healthy. One study showed that basil prevented the growth of colon cancer cells. 

strawberry basil ancient grain salad



Cook the whole grains according to the package directions and allow to cool in the refrigerator.

Mix together the dressing: In a bowl or jar with a lid combine the Balsamic, Lemon Juice, Olive Oil and Salt and Pepper. Shake well or whisk together.

In a medium bowl add the farro, basil and goat cheese. Drizzle on the salad dressing. Feel free to cut back on the amount of salad dressing to suit your taste. 

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