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  • September 28, 2022 1 min read

    Rajma is a delicious creamy red bean curry that is a treasured comfort food and a beloved street food. Red kidney beans are called rajma and the best rajma are the tiny red beans from Kashmir. When we got our hands on a small amount of Kashmir Thin Skin Beans for the bean club we knew we needed to make Kashmiri Rajma. The recipe works just as well with Sangre De Torro. 

    There is much debate about what makes Kashmiri Rajma different from other Rajmas. Some use onions some don't, some use curd (yogurt), some don't even use tomato, but to be Kashmiri Rajma it always uses Kashmiri Chili, a bright red chili known for its vibrant red color. It's the Kashmiri chili powder that gives tandoori its signature hue. It lends to this Rajma not just color but also complex flavors with very little heat. Please note that it is not completely devoid of heat. When an Indian person tells you "Kashmiri Chili has NO heat" keep in mind that your friend is Indian and likely eats things that would melt a spoon. I would call it a very mild heat. The fresh chilis deliver the real punch and your choice of chilis and how much you use allows you to control the spice level.

    Serve this with batsmati rice. We served ours with Indra's Rice with deeply caramelized onions and cumin seeds, highly recommended.


