NEW Larger Size. These Non-GMO heirloom black beans are a very rare variety of the Native American tepary bean. They are a delicious and more nutritious alternative to traditional black beans. Born of an ancient tradition of separating the black seeds before planting the white or brown teparies, the black seeds were selected, planted, grown, and harvested over several years to bring out the hidden traits of this unique tepary bean. The s-chuuk bavi (black tepary bean) has a firm, meaty texture and a distinctive flavor with a hint of lime that makes it perfect for Mexican cuisine. Try them in replace of black beans in all of your favorite recipes.
Tepary beans are the original superfood of the Sonoran Desert having sustained Native American people for countless generations. Ramona Farms shares with us their traditional foods grown on the ancestral lands of the Akimel O'Odham (Gila River Pima) tribe in Arizona's Sonora Desert. An ingredient in the Slow Food Ark of Taste, the tepary bean is believed to be the world’s most drought tolerant bean, and higher in fiber and protein than most other beans with a low glycemic index and superior taste.
Read more about Ramona Farms and the tepary bean here.
1.5 LB Bag